Friday, February 3, 2017


Communication is key in every organization but more important in healthcare. Why? Without communication, errors can be made, important information can be missed, opportunities to educate patients will be missed, patient satisfaction will decrease and worse, patient outcomes will suffer. Standardization is important in how and what is communicated. This is true in healthcare. In order to have effective communication to increase patient satisfaction and patient outcomes, nurses need to communicate in a language that is common to all. What language did you ask? During undergrad years, we have all heard our instructors telling us to use NIC/NOC! YES, those. I know, you just rolled your eyes and trust me, I have done my fair share of eye-rolling. Now fast forward, you graduated, and I bet you celebrated because you did not have to worry about that NIC/NOC thing again whatever that is, right? Then there was more celebration because you passed your boards and got your dream nursing job. So now why are you not celebrating anymore? Don't tell me, I think I know what is going on in your work setting. All your manager and that annoying patient advocates talk about are patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. Yeah....pain right? Well, guess what, now you can put to use the beautiful things you learned during your undergrad level. You can create an individual care plan and document in the computer in a language that all nurses and healthcare team speaks using NIC/NOC. You are welcome!

WHAT IS NIC/NOC?. Show off, I know you already know it but let me break it down in any easy way for those who chewed, poured, passed and forgot. But first, let us watch this video.



NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSIS:  A Nursing diagnosis is the first step in identifying how we should plan nursing care for a patient to improve the patient outcomes for which the nurse is held accountable, a very critical component in the nursing process. This step helps with the prioritization in the care of the patient.                                

                                              VARIATIONS OF NURSING DIAGNOSIS



NOC outcomes
provide a quantitative measure of the patient's progress, from the negative to the positive that is easy for all health care providers to understand and use.Each nursing Diagnosis is followed by a list of suggested outcomes to measure whether the chosen interventions are helping the identified problem   Each outcome can be individualized to the patient or family by choosing the appropriate indicators or adding additional indicators as necessary.


The use of healthcare informatics is widespread throughout the entire healthcare. Nursing is the largest contributor in healthcare. Nurses spend the most time with the patient from admission to discharge. And as key contributors to the delivery of healthcare, nurses depends on some type of healthcare information system such as electronic documentation, right at the bedside, scanning of patients and medication bar codes to prevent medication errors and for patient identification, we track patients flow from the ED to the various units via tele tracking and bed boards, we monitor patients in  and transfer data through tele monitors and masimos, we transfer, access, and receive various health records though health links without missing time to spend with the patient or to implement an intervention, as well as follow up care. All  this various task can only be accomplished with healthcare IT which helps in the delivery of quality care to our patients in a cost effective safe manner. 

 Without a standardized language, it will be impossible

to describe the components of the nursing care process,

    gather clinical information involved in an Administrative decision,

    support to improve patient care and safety,

     better communication among nurses and other healthcare providers,

     increased visibility of nursing interventions,

    improved patient care,

    enhance data collection to evaluate nursing care outcomes,

     greater adherence to standards of care,

    facilitate assessments competencies,

    as well as nursing research.

We need more Nurses to lead the implementation of health care QUALITY, and we need to learn to lead at the national level communicating in a standardized language. YES! Nurses do really speak IT!


Now this is HOT Topic


 Center for Nursing Classification & Clinical Effectiveness
The University of Iowa, College of Nursing

About: This is for anyone who is interested in accelerating the measurable and continual progressing of the clinical data gathering by the use of computer and technology in Nursing IT World to improve patient safety and outcome.

Rules: I enjoy hearing feedback, but please stay respectful and on topic. Thank you.


  1. This write up is very informative and very clear to understand. I really enjoyed it! Keep it up....I need more of this to improve my little knowledge in the health sector. God bless you

    1. Thank you so much Issah!I will keep writing to keep you informed. That is what nurses do, educate and empower our patient and community.

  2. Really informative. Keep the posts coming.

    1. Thank you so much my ED nurse Vera! Check on my blog for weekly updates.

  3. Yes Lovelace, I agree that there is miracles and wonders through technology, due to the fact that e scripting have increased patients safety and time. Patients do not have to travel to offices to pick up paper scripts. This is great, I look forward to see what robots do in term of health care in future. Thanks for the information.

    1. Thank you Tina, that is the beauty in technology. It is there to assist and improve the quality of our patients. As a Healthcare Administrator, you understand. Thank you once again.

  4. I see this becoming the norm in health care soon, due to the speed or fast growing pace of technology. However, I fear the downside; it replacing our human resources. Good piece and very informative!

    1. Thank you Mandy, but in healthcare, there are no second chances when humans are involved. Human interface is not replacing the humans it is just as an adaptive/supportive tool to prevent errors, increase precision and increase the quality of our patients lives. But I can see how some will be concern with how fast technology is advancing. Thank you so much once again.

  5. Great piece of work. Well done Love.

  6. Innovation at its best, however human factor is very essential to the success of robotics. Nice!

    1. That is true Robert, but the use of Healthcare technology is widespread throughout the entire healthcare industry. The healthcare industry in the United States rely on some form of healthcare information and technology to help improve patients outcome. Thank you for your contribution.

  7. Great piece, enjoyed reading it and learnt a has changed and still changing our world.

    1. Thank you, Charles. I am glad you enjoyed reading and learning something out of it. That is the whole idea, to keep our community informed about how we nurse and the other interdisciplinary team take patient safety and quality outcomes seriously with the assistance of technology.

  8. Technology is indeed here to stay. It is replacing a lot of human interventions in our everyday lives. Great piece.

    1. Thank you, Miss Merilyn our house lawyer. The need for patient safety becomes even more critical when you consider the alarming statistics: According to Patient Safety America, medical errors result in an estimated 440,000 unnecessary deaths each year. Yes, technology is hear to stay.

  9. Quite instructive! I'm aware of Telehealth and it use in the management of CHF. Great piece. Any plan for rural America and the developing countries?

    1. Thank you, Nana! I am glad you are aware of some of the accelerated measurable and continual progress in health care systems, which is through out the whole world, leading to breakthrough improvements that are truly meaningful in the lives of those receiving care. Technological advancements and breakthrough such as tele-health, mobile health,and EMR, health care is reaching people globally. Please find attached a link to how this is happening on my reference page. Once again, thanks for your contribution.

  10. Super job Lovelace. It's been years since I cared for acutely ill patients. While working as a bedside nurse I witnessed how swiftly and positively technology has impacted and continues to promote optimal care in the health sector. I currently work in a correctional facility where mode of health care delivery is archaic. Many nurses in my current line of work lament about the need for innovative care in the correction system. After reading your article, I said to myself the correction system has a long way to go and it made me realize the need for me to get back in touch with innovative care. Thanks


    1. Thank you. Dr. Fatima! Yes, I can see how frustrating that will be. coming from a place where there is hightech only to land in the 20th century. I'm happy you are really advocating for technological advancements in order to improve upon the care that is delivered in correctional health facility where you work. You are not alone, I spoke with a friend who works at a place where it is predominately Hispanics and she does not speak Spanish. Told her about translator phones and computers and she was excited to submit that to management to improve the care of her patients instead of using their family members. Thank you so much for your contributions.

  11. Very informative Lovelace!! Great job!!

  12. Thank you, Irene, my own personal nurse.

  13. As you highlighted, implementing technology into healthcare via interfaces such as CPOE reduces error, costs, and ultimately will contribute to better patient outcomes. While there are numerous benefits to technological additions in healthcare, one thing I also consider is the implications of these advancements to the human factor piece of healthcare. Would essential direct interaction/communication with patients suffer because of technology?

    1. Dorcas, My Dr., no, patient communication and interaction will not suffer at all. This is just to enhance the care we deliver. Actually, with the use of technology, patient satisfaction and quality of care increases. How? Let say as a nurse delivering care at the bedside, due to technology, I can use the five nursing rights in medication administration to reduce error for the safety of the patient; right patient by scanning their bar code, right time since it tells you if its too early to administer the medication, right dose just in case you pull the wrong dose, right route if its oral, injection either subcutaneous, or IV push, and the right drug, if the medication you are trying to give is the right medication. Because remember, doctors, and pharmacy are all humans and can make mistakes, it is the duty of the nurse to catch errors to prevent harm to our patient. Also, there are users (addicts)in healthcare and a system like Pyxis for pharmacy is there to keep track and record of who access what patients record in terms of their medications ensuing that the correct medication reaches the nursing floor.Or the EMR is right at the bedside when giving care to educate that patient on their health and can even print out teaching materials on their medication if they have questions or tell them the side effects and what the medication is for. All these advancements is to prevent errors and harm to the patient and increase patient satisfaction. So, no these technology does not take you away from the patient, it actually helps form better bond and trust between the patient and the nurse/healthcare team. Thank you you my future Dr. for your contributions.

  14. I enjoyed reading your work and did learn so much from it. It is very educative. In a world where there is a high demand for health workers technology is the way to go!

    I enjoyed watching your video on the Robo Surgeons. What I appreciate about your video on the Robo world is the ability to apply the knowledge anywhere and anytime- whether at sea or inland. This will really make it flexible for individuals to get assistance promptly. In fact, ‘Robo surgeons’ are the future!

    My concern however is with regard to how technology will affect the health industry.
    Will the future demand that health workers be retrained to adapt to these new technologies? For example, whose job is it when it comes to the coding, digitizing and instructing of the robots to perform their tasks? Or is this be a new area/profession in the health sector (medical coding)? I’m just thinking out of the box to understand how doctors, nurse practitioners and other health workers will be functioning with these new methods.

    Many thanks for sharing. I'm learning so much.

    1. Sarah, excellent contribution the blog. All that you have said are right. But with all this new technology, health care workers who work with them are educated and trained extensively to adapt to their daily routine of patient care. Health informatic is happening now and nurses are have their own branch, known as nursing informatics. It is really exciting knowing that nursing can stand alone in the IT world, while delivering excellent patient care and improving outcomes. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my blog and contribute in such an educative way. Once again, thank you.

  15. Lovelace, thanks for bringing this to the attention of the general public.very informative piece.keep doing what you love best.You always have our support . charles . canada

    1. Thank you so much Charles for taking the time to read and comment. That is the beauty of technology, that I will be able to communicate what is out there with people all over the globe. You are welcome. Once again, thank you.

  16. Love the video about robotic surgeons. It's amazing to see how new and improved technology plays such a big role in preventing human errors. Not to mention about how precise those robotic hands in performing many complex surgeries via small incisions. Talking about decreasing risk of infections. Bravo!

    1. Yes Laura, totally agrees with you. Error prevention with the aide of technology is huge. Thank you, so much my nurse

    2. Yes Laura, totally agrees with you. Error prevention with the aide of technology is huge. Thank you, so much my nurse

  17. This is very impressive.... however I am afraid that it would affect the jobs and the need for nurses in the future. I heard about this when I was very young, in my mid teens, it was a religious book I read. I am not trying to preach on here, but I remember reading learning about how robots would me made to replace us Humans, after the Rapture. I never thought it would happen so fast but it is just about here now, I guess ��

    1. Phoebe, it look so scary thinking about it but trust me, it is not going to take over health care. This is just a tool to enhance the care we deliver and to be more effecient. Also, with hunan interface, humans are behind it controling the technology, but the technology helps reach people in a quick and efficient way. We should celebrate my sister, our lives are too precious to fall in the wrong hands. Technology is great. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I am grateful.

  18. Phoebe, it look so scary thinking about it but trust me, it is not going to take over humans jobs in health care. This is just a tool to enhance the care we deliver and to be more effecient. Also, with hunan interface, humans are behind it controling the technology, but the technology helps reach people in a quick and efficient way. We should celebrate my sister, our lives are too precious to fall in the wrong hands. Technology is great. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I am grateful.

  19. Very good Lovelace. Enjoyed the work. Very helpful video

    1. Abdul, thank you so much! I am glad it was helpful.
