WHAT IS NIC/NOC?. Show off, I know you already know it but let me break it down in any easy way for those who chewed, poured, passed and forgot. But first, let us watch this video.
NANDA NURSING DIAGNOSIS: A Nursing diagnosis is the first step in identifying how we should plan nursing care for a patient to improve the patient outcomes for which the nurse is held accountable, a very critical component in the nursing process. This step helps with the prioritization in the care of the patient.
NOC outcomes provide a quantitative measure of the patient's progress, from the negative to the positive that is easy for all health care providers to understand and use.Each nursing Diagnosis is followed by a list of suggested outcomes to measure whether the chosen interventions are helping the identified problem Each outcome can be individualized to the patient or family by choosing the appropriate indicators or adding additional indicators as necessary.
The use of healthcare informatics is widespread throughout the entire healthcare. Nursing is the largest contributor in healthcare. Nurses spend the most time with the patient from admission to discharge. And as key contributors to the delivery of healthcare, nurses depends on some type of healthcare information system such as electronic documentation, right at the bedside, scanning of patients and medication bar codes to prevent medication errors and for patient identification, we track patients flow from the ED to the various units via tele tracking and bed boards, we monitor patients in and transfer data through tele monitors and masimos, we transfer, access, and receive various health records though health links without missing time to spend with the patient or to implement an intervention, as well as follow up care. All this various task can only be accomplished with healthcare IT which helps in the delivery of quality care to our patients in a cost effective safe manner.
Without a standardized language, it will be impossible
to describe the components of the nursing care process,
gather clinical information involved in an Administrative decision,
support to improve patient care and safety,
better communication among nurses and other healthcare providers,
increased visibility of nursing interventions,
improved patient care,
enhance data collection to evaluate nursing care outcomes,
greater adherence to standards of care,
facilitate assessments competencies,
as well as nursing research.
We need more Nurses to lead the implementation of health care QUALITY, and we need to learn to lead at the national level communicating in a standardized language. YES! Nurses do really speak IT!
Now this is HOT Topic
Center for Nursing Classification & Clinical Effectiveness
The University of Iowa, College of Nursing
About: This is for anyone who is interested in accelerating the measurable and continual progressing of the clinical data gathering by the use of computer and technology in Nursing IT World to improve patient safety and outcome.
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